Ayhan Ercan

Ayhan Ercan Organic Coconut Chips, 90g:

A healthy and wealthy combination is ready to save you from snacks that do not have clean ingredients.😌 😍 🥰

Coconut meat is palatable and lightly sweet, and you can dig it raw or dried. 

Many similar products are produced from it, including coconut milk, cream, and oil.

What are the Benefits of Using Organic Coconut Chips?:

Apart from naturally enhancing the flavor of whatever you're eating, coconut chips are: 

A rich source of dietary fiber, which keeps you fuller for longer and helps stabilize your blood sugar - so you don't get an energy dip 20 minutes after eating. 

Fibre also supports gut health by helping to keep your regular.

Although coconut meat is high in fat, the MCTs it contains may help you lose excess body fat.

The meat also produces carbs and protein along with many essential minerals, such as manganese, copper, iron, and selenium.