
Yes On Drops for Women is a 100% natural, effective enhancing formula prepared specifically for women to support increased sexual passion and raise sensitivity

In each 1.3 Ml= 20 Drops
Guarana Extract 39 mg, Tribulus Terrestris Extract 39mg , L-Arginine 33.80 mg, Goat herb Extract Epimedium 32.5 mg, Korean Ginseng Extract 32.5mg, Peppergrasses ( Lepidium )  Maca Extract 32.5 mg, Damiana (Turnera) Extract 30.325mg , L-Askorbik Asit 9.10mg, Nikotinamide " Vitamin B3" 5.20 mg, Deionized Water, Sukroz, Citric Asid E330, Potasyum Sorbat E02, Sukraloz E955

Recommended Daily Dose: 20 drops once a day for adult females aged 18 and over.
Shake well before use. May be added to a glass of fruit juice or any other beverage.


Keep out of reach of children. 

Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
Seek medical advice before taking this supplement if you are on medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.