
Arifoglu Organic Propolis Extract, 50 ml:

The energy that you wish to have is coming back to you by Arifoglu's Propolis Extract!😍🥰😘

The name Propolis consists of the Greek words 'pro' introduction and 'police' city.

So propolis, when considered as a hive cities propolis, which means the city shield.

It is a material that worker bees collect from the buds and buds of plants.

Bees use propolis to close the cracks in the hive and to protect against harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

The yellowish-brown tones of hard propolis material are scraped from the hive wall after taking the honey in the hive, and it is made ready for use after a set of cleaning processes.

Bees enter their hive through a channel lined with propolis. Thus, they ensure the hygiene of both themselves and their hives. 

What are the Benefits of Using Propolis Vials?:

Propolis produces efficacious assistance for immune defenses.

Propolis due to its structure is rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and phenolic substances.

Numerous fatty acids have been identified with elements such as Mg, Ca, I, K, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E.

Propolis contains enzymes such as succinic dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase, and acid phosphatase.

It aids balanced immune function.

It is a powerful winter supplement to boost support immune resistance and recovery from common winter ills.

Propolis provides proven antioxidant activity for cellular health and protection.

Antioxidant support is especially important for athletes, liver health, and healthy aging.

The powerful immune and antioxidant benefits of Propolis provide broad support in the body for general health and wellbeing

Consumption Suggestion:

Drink after shaking it.

It is not recommended to consume more than one daily.


It is not recommended for those who are allergic to bee products.

Honey and honey products should not be given to children under 2 years old.

Storage Conditions:

After opening the package, store it in the refrigerator.

You necessitate to protect it directly from light and light.