
Product features: 

  • Viaxi Glide Strawberry Lubricant Gel is water-based and colorless. Strawberry flavored and strawberry flavored.
  • It helps to reduce vaginal dryness with its non-drying lubricating feature and relaxing effect for a long time.
  • Dermatological and clinical tests were performed and It is 100% compatible with condoms and is pH balanced.
  • It is oil-free and easily soluble in water.
  • It should be stored at room temperature and out of reach of children.
  • You can safely use Lubricant Gel for healthier and more enjoyable sex life.

Sexual intercourse without intimate lubricants (sexual lubricants) can be painful and damage the vaginal lining. Your body may produce less oil as a result of hormonal changes menopause aging or medications. Here comes the importance of using sexual lubricants for an enjoyable sexual experience!

What are sexual lubricants? And what are the most important benefits of using sexual lubricants?

Sexual lubricants are a substance used on the male organ and the female vagina with the aim of:

  • Facilitating the marital relationship between spouses
  • Avoiding Various problems such as: Some pain that women sometimes get from sexual intercourse
  • Using lubricants helps relieve uncomfortable friction when the condom dries out
  • Sexual lubricants can help enhance arousal Enhancing sexual pleasure keeping the skin of the vagina smooth and most importantly reducing friction and pain during penetration

What are the cases that need to use sexual lubricants in particular?

Sexual lubricants are considered Especially useful for some people due to some conditions they go through such as:

  1. Take some medications including antihistamines and antidepressants
  2. Trouble getting enough water and staying hydrated on a daily basis
  3. Using hormonal contraceptives
  4. Breastfeeding