
Benefits of Candied Chestnuts

Candy Chestnut, chestnut and sweet syrup made of a mixture of sweet, is a sweet dessert. You can even make it at home. The addition of sugar does not affect the benefits of chestnut. In other words, the benefits of chestnut will be effective even when it is chestnut. Chestnut is a vitamin and mineral depot. It is low in fat and is a rich source of dietary fiber. In this context, it is possible to specify the benefits of chestnut and chestnut:

It stimulates the heart and muscle system and regulates the body’s water balance. Accelerates blood circulation, prevents the development of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Contrary to popular belief, fat ratio is quite low. It is a source of starch and dietary fiber.

Potassium is one of the highest foods. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of potassium deficiency. However, people with diabetes, chestnut, not the chestnut itself is recommended to consume.

  • It has been used for thousands of years against physical and mental fatigue.
  • Contrary to popular belief, fat ratio is quite low. It is a source of starch and dietary fiber.
  • It has antioxidant properties. 
  • In this context, it strengthens the immune system and has a protective effect against cancer.
  • It is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.
  • It contains plenty of vitamins B1, B2 and C. In this respect, it prevents you from being sick frequently during the winter months.
  • It retains the sensation of hunger thanks to its retainer feature. In this respect, it is included in many diet programs.
  • It has an aphrodisiac effect and, due to its selenium, protects it from prostate cancer.

In every 100 grams chestnut sugar;

Energy 256 calories Calcium 14.38 mg

Sugar 24.79 g Iron 0.46 mg

Dietary Fiber 6.1 g Potassium 216.53 mg

Protein 1.82 g Potassium 680 mg

Fat 0.68 mg

Vitamin A 1.44 IU

Sodium 1.73 mg

Vitamin C 9.71 mg