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    Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum, 50 ml, 3 Ampules

    (2 Reviews)

    Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum, 50 ml, 3 Ampules

    • Introducing Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum, a premium hair care solution designed to combat hair loss and promote hair growth. Sourced from Turkey, known for its rich heritage and expertise in hair care, this 30 ml serum comes in a pack of 3 convenient ampules.

      This advanced serum is formulated with carefully selected ingredients that nourish and strengthen your hair from the roots, providing a comprehensive solution to combat hair loss. Its unique blend of natural extracts and essential nutrients works synergistically to revitalize your hair.

      Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum contains a powerful combination of herbal extracts, including biotin, panthenol, and keratin, which help stimulate hair follicles, strengthen the hair shaft, and prevent breakage. These ingredients have been meticulously chosen to provide optimal results and restore the natural balance of your hair.

      Not only does Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum promote hair growth, but it also helps to thicken and volumize your existing hair. Say goodbye to thin, lackluster locks and welcome fuller looking hair.

      This serum is easy to use, simply apply it to your scalp and gently massage in. Its non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, leaving no residue behind. Suitable for both men and women, this serum is suitable for all hair types.

      Nutrition Facts:

      • Biotin: Known as the "hair vitamin," biotin helps strengthen hair follicles and improve hair elasticity.
      • Panthenol: Also known as provitamin B5, panthenol moisturizes and nourishes the hair, reducing dryness and brittleness.
      • Keratin: A key component of hair, keratin helps repair damaged hair and improves its overall strength and resilience.

      Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum is the perfect addition to your hair care routine. Say hello to thicker, better hair with this premium serum from Turkey. Order now and experience the difference it can make for your hair.

      Bioxcin Forte Serum offers effectiveness against advanced hair loss thanks to its intense formula.

      It strengthens weak hair, makes them grow better, thickens and revitalizes the hair strands, gives volume and resistance to the hair.

      How to Use Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum:

      15-20 drops are applied every night to the entire hair, primarily the scalp area and its surroundings.

      To increase effectiveness, it can be applied twice a day, in the morning and evening, optionally.

      It is thoroughly absorbed into the scalp by gently massaging in circular motions for at least one minute. It does not rinse. 

      BIOXCIN FORTE SERUM can be used day or night. It should be kept on the hair for a minimum of 8 hours.

      For best results, it is recommended to use BIOXCIN FORTE regularly in combination with shampoo. 

      It can be dried with a blow dryer after the use of serum to provide better volume in the hair.

      • بوكسين سيرم تساقط الشعر لونه احمر فيه 3 امبولات استخدامه ازاي خلال شهر

        ضع 15-20 قطرة على الشعر بالكامل كل ليلة، أولاً على منطقة فروة الرأس والمنطقة المحيطة بها حيث يحدث تساقط الشعر. ولزيادة فعاليته، يمكن تطبيقه اختياريًا مرتين يوميًا، في الصباح وفي المساء. قم بالتدليك بلطف بحركات دائرية لمدة دقيقة واحدة على الأقل ثم يتم امتصاصه بالكامل في فروة الرأس. لا يتم شطفه. يمكن استخدام Bioxcin Forte Serum ليلاً أو نهارًا. ويجب تركه على الشعر لمدة لا تقل عن 8 ساعات. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يوصى باستخدامه بانتظام مع شامبو بيوكسين فورت. لتوفير حجم أفضل للشعر، يمكن تجفيفه بمجفف الشعر بعد استخدام السيروم.

    Introducing Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum, a premium hair care solution designed to combat hair loss and promote hair growth. Sourced from Turkey, known for its rich heritage and expertise in hair care, this 30 ml serum comes in a pack of 3 convenient ampules.

    This advanced serum is formulated with carefully selected ingredients that nourish and strengthen your hair from the roots, providing a comprehensive solution to combat hair loss. Its unique blend of natural extracts and essential nutrients works synergistically to revitalize your hair.

    Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum contains a powerful combination of herbal extracts, including biotin, panthenol, and keratin, which help stimulate hair follicles, strengthen the hair shaft, and prevent breakage. These ingredients have been meticulously chosen to provide optimal results and restore the natural balance of your hair.

    Not only does Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum promote hair growth, but it also helps to thicken and volumize your existing hair. Say goodbye to thin, lackluster locks and welcome fuller looking hair.

    This serum is easy to use, simply apply it to your scalp and gently massage in. Its non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, leaving no residue behind. Suitable for both men and women, this serum is suitable for all hair types.

    Nutrition Facts:

    • Biotin: Known as the "hair vitamin," biotin helps strengthen hair follicles and improve hair elasticity.
    • Panthenol: Also known as provitamin B5, panthenol moisturizes and nourishes the hair, reducing dryness and brittleness.
    • Keratin: A key component of hair, keratin helps repair damaged hair and improves its overall strength and resilience.

    Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum is the perfect addition to your hair care routine. Say hello to thicker, better hair with this premium serum from Turkey. Order now and experience the difference it can make for your hair.

    Bioxcin Forte Serum offers effectiveness against advanced hair loss thanks to its intense formula.

    It strengthens weak hair, makes them grow better, thickens and revitalizes the hair strands, gives volume and resistance to the hair.

    How to Use Bioxcin Forte Advanced Anti Hair Loss Serum:

    15-20 drops are applied every night to the entire hair, primarily the scalp area and its surroundings.

    To increase effectiveness, it can be applied twice a day, in the morning and evening, optionally.

    It is thoroughly absorbed into the scalp by gently massaging in circular motions for at least one minute. It does not rinse. 

    BIOXCIN FORTE SERUM can be used day or night. It should be kept on the hair for a minimum of 8 hours.

    For best results, it is recommended to use BIOXCIN FORTE regularly in combination with shampoo. 

    It can be dried with a blow dryer after the use of serum to provide better volume in the hair.

    • بوكسين سيرم تساقط الشعر لونه احمر فيه 3 امبولات استخدامه ازاي خلال شهر

      ضع 15-20 قطرة على الشعر بالكامل كل ليلة، أولاً على منطقة فروة الرأس والمنطقة المحيطة بها حيث يحدث تساقط الشعر. ولزيادة فعاليته، يمكن تطبيقه اختياريًا مرتين يوميًا، في الصباح وفي المساء. قم بالتدليك بلطف بحركات دائرية لمدة دقيقة واحدة على الأقل ثم يتم امتصاصه بالكامل في فروة الرأس. لا يتم شطفه. يمكن استخدام Bioxcin Forte Serum ليلاً أو نهارًا. ويجب تركه على الشعر لمدة لا تقل عن 8 ساعات. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يوصى باستخدامه بانتظام مع شامبو بيوكسين فورت. لتوفير حجم أفضل للشعر، يمكن تجفيفه بمجفف الشعر بعد استخدام السيروم.

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